Help us detect Alzheimer's disease early
Our goal is to assist healthcare in identifying Alzheimer's disease early. The research study REAL AD will investigate the possibility of detecting the disease through new digital tools and a simple blood test at healthcare centres. To succeed with this we need your help. If you are between 50 and 80 years old and can make it to any of Närhälsan's healthcare centres in Västra Götaland, you can participate, regardless of where you are listed. Join the study and help us find Alzheimer's disease earlier!

A small step towards a great discovery
Today, many of those suffering from Alzheimer's disease live without a diagnosis due to late detection of the disease. Living undiagnosed complicates life with the disease, for both the patient and the caregiver. And just like with all other illnesses, but perhaps especially for Alzheimer's disease, early treatment is a crucial factor for success. Therefore, early disease detection is the next big step for researchers.
And we believe we know how to take that step. In our groundbreaking study, we want to investigate whether Alzheimer's disease can be detected in the blood and through digital tools - before the disease has started to show serious symptoms. This could create opportunities for implementing interventions earlier than is done today. But to succeed, we need to study at least 3000 people, preferably more.
The study is open to everyone between 50 and 80 years old who can make it to any of Närhälsan's healthcare centres in Västra Götaland. You can participate regardless of where you are listed. Sign up for the study or share this page and help us take a small step towards a great discovery.
By clicking on ‘To the Study,’ you will be directed to the study platform HOPE where the study is conducted and you can register to participate.