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Common questions and answers

Here we have gathered the most common questions and answers regarding the study. If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please send an email to

How can I log back into the study platform?

You can log in to the study platform using both a website link or through the "HOPE" app.

Through the HOPE app: Open the HOPE app. Click on "REAL AD" in the overview. Use your BankID to log in.

Through the HOPE website: Save the following link or go to and click on "Apply" again, you will be redirected to the study platform. Here you can click on "REAL AD" in the overview where you can log in again with BankID.

Will I receive test results or findings after participating in the study?

REAL AD is a research study that employs methods whose effectiveness has yet to be established. The goal of the study is to evaluate these methods to prepare for use in healthcare; therefore, we cannot provide individual study results to participants.

What should I do if I am concerned about my memory or cognitive abilities?

If you or your loved ones are concerned about your brain health, we ask you to contact your healthcare centre.

Will my doctor receive the results from REAL AD?

REAL AD is a research study that employs methods whose effectiveness has yet to be established. The goal of the study is to evaluate these methods to prepare for use in healthcare; therefore, we cannot provide individual study results to participants or your healthcare provider.

Will I be contacted again after participating in the study?

If you have agreed to this (you will be asked when registering for the study), you may be contacted by the study leadership for follow-up studies.

Can I delete my information from the study?

You can request us to delete all data collected within the study at any time. Please read the participant information to find out how to do so. You can find the participant information here.

Do I have to participate in the entire study or complete all parts?

You can choose to withdraw your participation in REAL AD at any time.

I have a medical history, can I still participate in the study?

If you have a diagnosed dementia disease, unfortunately, you cannot participate. Otherwise, there are no limitations on participating in the study.

Can I receive compensation for my participation?

Unfortunately, we cannot compensate for expenses incurred during participation.